Лошадь #12455, Кличка лошади: HOUGLAS, Основная специализация: Конкур, Страна: Литва, Ближайший крупный город: Не указано, Порода: Не указано, Год рождения: 2012, Пол: Жеребец, Рост в холке (см): 170, Масть: Вороная
Horse with wonderful character, super friendly, reliable, sweet, good temperament, with big potential !! Doesn't have any problem with shoeing, clipping, washing, transporting, vet checking, doesn't afraid of any noises or new places. He is sensitive horse with a big potential to jump big heights , not super easy to ride,jumping easy with professional rider, concentrates on work and jumping courses very easily, has a very comfortable move. Very careful, sensitive and bloody. Has experience in showjumping competitions up to 120cm. Now he is being ridden by pro rider. If rider rides this horse in the similar style like now, there shouldn't be any problems in the future. HAVE CLEAR X-RAYS.