Kone na prodej - Kůň #9701, Jméno koně: Cantus Plius, Hlavní specializace: Drezura, Stat: Litva, Nejbližší velké město: Vilnius, Plemeno: Trak?nsk? k??, Rok narození: 2009, Pohlaví: Valach, Vyška v kohoutku (cm): 166, Barva: Vraník
Cantus plius - perfect horse for kids as well as for adults, well behaved and suitible for beginners, has good basics. Trustworthy horse with a very good, stable character. Also Cantus Plius has a good potential for competitions. Already has an experience in dressage competitions (M level). Besides, Cantus Plius is safe to ride in fields. He is friendly and fast learning horse. Elements: half-passes, shoulder in, flying changes, extended trot ant canter.