Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #9392, Nome del cavallo: Dobosz, Especialización principal: Salto, Paese: Polonia, La città più vicina: opole, Razza: Polesian, Anno di Nascita: 2004, Sesso: Castrone, Altezza al garrese (cm): 170, Suit il cavallo: Brown
For Sale bay 11 year old gelding. . Regularly dewormed and trim the hooves . Polite in their habits and the very chassis. He went N class in jumping, with the possibility for more. Brave, walks alone in the area. It has a chip in the back of his left leg, but it does not affect his health. Currently, regular exercise jumping. Sale due to go abroad to study.
Grzeczny w obyciu oraz bardzo jezdny. Chodzi? N klas? w skokach, z mo?liwo?ci? na wi?cej. Odwa?ny, chodzi sam w teren. Posiada chipa w tylnej lewej nodze, jednak nie rzutuje to na jego stan zdrowia. Aktualnie w regularnym treningu skokowym. Sprzeda? z powodu wyjazdu na studia.