Cavalos venda - Cavalo #9336, Nome do cavalo: Goliat, Especialização principal: Adestramento, País: Espanha, Cidade a mais próxima: Não especificado, Raça: Andaluz, Ano de nascimento: 2010, Sexo: Cavalo, Altura (cm): 162, Cor: Cinza
This is one of the most sweet charactered horse that I have known and he will be perfect for insecure riders. So, if you are looking for a safe and true friend Goliat might be the one for you.
All though he is still only 4 (turning 5 this year) he is incredibly reliable and kind. His movements are excellent and he will make a great dressage horse. This will be a horse that you can start enjoying right away and continue his schooling and educate him in the way you wish.
With basic schooling in walk, trot and canter he can do some lateral work, spanish walk and some passage. He has been hacked out many times and been out to Ferias and Rocios (spanish local parties) and is traffic proof.
In the stable he his calm, you can tack him up and groom him and he will stand relaxed the whole time. He is also used used to being around mares without problems.
More info on the link below: