Cavalos venda - Cavalo #9335, Nome do cavalo: Milo, Especialização principal: Adestramento, País: Espanha, Cidade a mais próxima: Não especificado, Raça: Andaluz, Ano de nascimento: 2011, Sexo: Cavalo, Altura (cm): 160, Cor: Preto
He is 4 years old and a little bit green but is currently being ridden 4 times a week. They use a snaffle bit on him and he has basic schooling (so far) in walk, trot and canter and is very responsive and easy to ride. Since he is still quite young he has not been hacked out much yet but I don’t think that will be a problem for him, as he has a brave character. At the yard where he lives, there is a lot of different types of surroundings and noises and he doesn’t care about that at all. He will be a great family horse or a dressage horse for amateurs and juniors in the future.
More info and video on the link below: