Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #9231, Nome del cavallo: Don Danciano, Especialización principal: Dressage, Paese: Germania, La città più vicina: Non specificato, Razza: Oldenburgese, Anno di Nascita: 2015, Sesso: Stallone, Altezza al garrese (cm): 0, Suit il cavallo: Crow
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PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania DEU
NomeDon Danciano
RegioneNon specificato
Pubblicato daGisa L?we
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  Don Danciano 

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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione30.04.2015 17:27
*PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania Germania
*Stato di vendita
In vendita In vendita
*Nome del cavalloDon Danciano
*Especialización principalDressage
*Prezzi dei biglietti10000E-20000E
Prezzo ($)10000 EUR

2. Informazioni sulla razza
*Anno di Nascita2015
Altezza al garrese (cm)
Suit il cavalloCrow

3. Informazioni pedigree
Paese di nascitaCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania Germania
Nati nell'azienda

  • 4. Informazioni sulla posizione
    La città più vicinaNon specificato
    PosizioneHengstfohlen von Danciano, Rappe, "Don Danciano", geboren am 8. M?rz
    2015 aus der Staatspr?mien und Verbandspr?mienstute Unique II von K2,
    Eintragungssiegerstute, Muttermutter Ulana war Landeschampioness 2007
    Das Fohlen ist korrekt, sehr elegant, besitzt beste Grundgangarten, sehr
    zutraulich und vermutlich Hengstanw?rter. Don Danciano ist pr?destiniert f?r den gehobenen Dressursport.Der Vater war Pr?mienhengst und Preisspitze seiner K?rung und Sieger im 30TageTest Der Glanzrappe Danciano ist mit seinem gro?en Rahmen, seinen drei gleicherma?en hervorragenden Grundgangarten ein exzellenter Dressurnachwuchs.
    Seine Rittigkeit ist geradezu beispielhaft. Beim 30TageTest
    2013 war Danciano der ?berragende Hengst des prominent besetzten Durchgangs.Mit H?chstnoten bis 10,0 f?r den Trab und 9,5 f?r die Rittigkeit sicherte er sich souver?n den Gesamtsieg der HLP.
    Vater Dancier war Siegerhengst der Hannoveraner K?rung 2004 in Verden
    und 2005 HLPSieger. 2006 wurde er hannoveraner ViceReitpferdechampion
    und holte sich beim Bundeschampionat in Warendorf nach dem Sieg in der Finalqualifikation die Bronzemedaillie der vierj?hrigen Hengste. 2008 war er Finalist im Bundeschampionat der sechsj?hrigen Dressurpferde und ist inzwischen Serfolgreich. Muttervater von Danciano Rotspon war 1997 Pr?mienhengst der K?rung in Verden, 1998 Sieger der HLP und gilt als profilierter Dressurpferdemacher. In 3. Generation steht mit Wolkenstein II der wohl einflu?reichste WeltmeisterSohn, der 1993 Bundeschampion und HLPSieger war.
    Mehr Informationen k?nnen Sie ?ber unsere Gest?tswebseite finden oder Sie nehmen Kontakt ?ber mit uns auf.

    5. Informazioni su esperienza
    TemperamentoNon specificato
    Hanno avuto concorsi
    Altre specializzazioni
  • Dressage

  • 6. Informazioni di contatto
    Il tuo indirizzo
    Numero di telefono0173 6553429
    Persona di contattoFr. Dr. G. L?we
    Un indirizzo internet

    7. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioniOldenburg Colt
    Colt "DON DANCIANO" by DANCIANO, Black, born on March 8, 2015 out of the State Premium and Trakehner Association Premium mare Unique II from K2. Dam Unique was also Registration Champion Mare, damsdam Ulana was Championess of the new federal states in Germany 2007
    The foal is correct, very elegant, has best basic gaits, is very trusting and probably stallion prospect.
    Don Danciano is ideal for upper level dressage or as a stallion prospect..
    Sire Danciano was a premium stallion and top winner in the 30-day trial.
    The black Danciano is an excellent dressage stallion with his large frame, his three equally excellent gaits.
    "His rideability is an exemplary manner. In the 30-day performance test in late 2013 Danciano was the outstanding stallion of the star-studded passage. With top marks to 10.0 for trot and 9.5 for rideability he secured victory to win the overall title of the HLP.
    Sire - Sire Dancier was champion of the Hanoverian licensing in 2004 in Verden and 2005 stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf. In 2006, he was Vice Hanoverian Riding Horse Champion and won the Federal Championships in Warendorf to victory in the finals, the bronze medal of the four-year old stallions. In 2008 he was a finalist in the National Championships for six year old dressage horses and is now S-successful.
    Mother Father of Danciano Rotspon 1997 was premium stallion licensing in Verden 1998 winner of the HLP and is considered to be profiled dressage horses.
    In 3rd generation stands with Wolkenstein II of the most influential Weltmeyer son, who in 1993 was national champion and stallion performance test winner. "(Schockemoehle)
    More informations you can find at out stud webpage and you can contact us via

    8. L'accesso alla carta
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    Altri messaggi di questo utente

    In totale: 4   Mostra tutti i record
      Evening Star 
    $E: 10000E-20000E
    Paese: Cavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania Germania
    Nome: Evening Star
    Sp: Dressage
    Anno: 2015
    Sesso: Stallone
    Crescita: -
    Foto: 3Video: 1Viste: 17228      Vedere »  
    $E: 3000E-10000E
    Paese: Cavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania Germania
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    Sp: Dressage
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    Sesso: Femmina
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    Paese: Cavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Germania Germania
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