Stable поливаново
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Horse Game
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$$$For rent
Land Rusland RUS
Stable name engpolivanovo
Stalls eng1
Fields eng3
Specialization engArbejdshestBare hest
Competitions engArbejdshestBare hest
Forest engFull access to forest
Fields engFull access to fields
Water engPartial access to water
Food service engNot specidied
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1. General
Rediger dato21.09.2011 10:18
Salg statusFor rent
*Land Rusland Rusland
*Nærmeste storbyPodolsk
*Stable name engpolivanovo
*Stalls eng1
*Fields eng3
Price ($) eng5000
*Specialization eng
  • Arbejdshest
  • Bare hest

  • 2. Stalls
    Area eng
    Amount eng
    Free eng
    Cover eng
    Feeding eng
    Monthly eng

    3. Maneges
    Type eng
    Area eng
    Surface eng
    Amount eng

    4. Veterinary options
    Veterinary clinic engNo clinic
    Veterinarian engNot specified
    Pharmacy supply engNo pharmacy
    Infirmary engNo infirmary
    Inspection of horse engFor request
    X-ray machine engNo x-ray machine
    Vaccination engNo vaccination
    Additional vet. information eng

    5. Living service
    Personal locker engNo personal locker
    Personal room engPresent. For free
    Personal house engPresent. For free
    Personal strongbox engNot specidied
    Shower engPresent. For free
    WC engPresent. For free
    Room for equipment engPresent. For free
    Parking engNo parking
    Additional liv. information eng

    6. Training infrastructure
    Competitions eng
  • Arbejdshest
  • Bare hest
  • Showjumping obstacles engNo obstacles
    Dressage borders engNot specidied
    Eventing obstacles engNot specidied
    Walkers engNot specidied
    Springartens engNot specidied
    Solarium engNot specidied
    Swimming pool engNot specidied
    Forest access engFull access to forest
    Fields access engFull access to fields
    Water access to river or lake engPartial access to water
    Equipment shop engNot specidied
    Lighting engLocal lighting
    Audio broadcast engNot specidied
    Video broadcast engNot specidied
    Additional infrastr. information eng

    7. Food service
    Food sevice engNot specidied
    Food dispenser engNot specidied
    Kitchen engNot specidied
    Additional food information eng

    8. Entertainment
    Restroom engNot specidied
    TV / DVD engNot specidied
    Internet engNot specidied
    Arbor engNo arbor
    Playroom engNot specidied
    Playground engNot specidied
    Additional ent. information eng

    9. Kontaktoplysninger
    PlaceringM.O. gorod Podolsk 30 km.ot MKAD
    Location map
    Kontakt email
    Kontakt telefon89251805940
    Contact person engEkaterina
    Internet side

    10. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysningerвозьму на постой лошадь. есть конюшня на 1 денник . территория охраняется собаками и охранником. есть ночной конюх. рядом с конюшней есть поля \леса\речки. денник утепленный + вентилируется+ отапливается. корма с орендатора. стоимость месечной аренды денника 5.000руб\месяц.

    11. Adgang til kort
    Message-modeTillad at skrive indlæg til dette kort
    Sikkerhed tilstandAlle kan læse kortet og kommentarer


    Land ( Rusland Rusland)
    Region (Podolsk)
    Stalls eng (-24 - 26)
      KSK "Edinorog" 
    Dato: 23.11.2011
    Land:  Rusland Rusland
    Region: Podolsk
    Stable name eng: KSK "Edinorog"
    Stalls eng: 12
    Fields eng: 3
    Specialization eng: ?stetikDistance
    Visninger: 6860      Slå det »  
