Chevaux vendre - Cheval #7609, Nom du cheval: Dominika, Spécialisation principaleя: Dressage, Pays: Lettonie, La ville la plus proche: Liep?ja, Race: Letton, Année de naissance: 2011, Sexe: Mare, Hauteur au garrot (cm): 167, Suit le cheval: Corbeau
Dominika is 4 years old and very ellegant mare. She is suitable for hobby and sport and she is 168 cm high at the witters. Dominika has been trained according to her age. She has no bad habbits neither in the stable or under the rider, aswell she is very friendly with other horses. The mare is suitable for dressage because she has 3 productive gaits, they are very soft gaits, comfortable for the rider. Dominika also has a good jump. She is a Latvian warmblood; her father is Disco (Hanoverian) and her mothers father is Kaldans whose origin has such famous horses as Calido I, Ramiro.
In case of neccesity we can help with the transportation.
More information and video on request. We speak in russian.
Price: 3500 Euro.