Kone na prodej - Kůň #6895, Jméno koně: Filma fr? Skar?i, Hlavní specializace: Chov, Stat: Island, Nejbližší velké město: Reykjavik, Plemeno: Icelandic Horse, Rok narození: 2011, Pohlaví: Klisna, Vyška v kohoutku (cm): 0, Barva: Vraník
Are you looking for potential breeding mare? Filma from Skar?i IS2011238872 is after two first prise parents, Orra-daughter Framt?? fr? Gr?msst??um and Kr?kur from Blesasta?ir 1A. She is very beautiful, has fantastic movements with high leg action both in tolt and trot. She catches the attention everytime you see her. Filma is proud and unique. Blup 112 in total. More information perluhestar@gmail.com or josefine.wikenholm@gmail.com