stall information Денник 201
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Horse Game
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stall information
Modify eng23.07.2012
Status engNot specified
Title engDennik
Payment engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Cntr eng Rusia RUS
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Puntos de vista: 7936

El principal
Foto: 0
Vídeo: 0
Notas: 0
Comentarios: 0
1. El principal
Modify date eng23.07.2012 11:45
Status engNot specified
*Title engDennik
Stable eng
Area (sq.m) eng0
Area eng3x3
*Amount eng34
Free amount eng2

2. Measurement information
*Width (cm) eng3
*Length (cm) eng3
Height (cm) eng4

3. Stall equipment
Wall material engNot specified
Wall top engNot specified
Door opens engNot specified
Door model engNot specified
Feeder engNot specified
Drinking bowl engNot specified
Conditioner engNot specified
Stalls video options engNot specified
Stalls light options engNot specified
Stalls windows engNot specified
Supply cover engNot specified
Floor cover engNot specified
Covering period engNot specified
Flooring material engNot specified
Cleaning horse engNot specified
Keeding additional info eng

4. Feeding information
Feeding engNot specified
Base food eng
Feeding additional info eng

5. Price and payment information
Hourly price eng
Daily price eng
Monthly price eng
Payment method engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Payment additional info eng

6. Contact information
*Country eng Rusia Federaci?n Rusa
*Nearest City engМосква
Location eng85 km ot Moskvy
Location map eng
E'mail eng
Contact phone eng89257723368. 89035040238
Contact person engAnastasiya
Web-site eng

7. Aditional information
Additional information eng

8. Access to card
Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments

Otros mensajes de este usuario

Modify eng: 23.07.2012
Status eng: Not specified
Title eng: Dennik
Area (sq.m) eng: 9
Width (cm) eng: 300
Length (cm) eng: 300
Feeder eng: Not specified
Dr.bowl eng: Not specified eng: Not specified
Feeding eng: Not specified
Monthly eng: -
Puntos de vista: 7174      Ver »  
Modify eng: 24.07.2012
Status eng: Not specified
Title eng: Dennik
Area (sq.m) eng: 0
Width (cm) eng: 3
Length (cm) eng: 3
Feeder eng: Not specified
Dr.bowl eng: Not specified eng: Not specified
Feeding eng: Not specified
Monthly eng: -
Puntos de vista: 7320      Ver »  

Un aspecto similar

Width (cm) eng (-47 - 103)
Length (cm) eng (-47 - 103)
Feeder eng (Not specified)
Dr.bowl eng (Not specified)
Modify eng: 03.01.2012
Status eng: Not specified
Title eng: ...
Area (sq.m) eng: 0
Width (cm) eng: 4
Length (cm) eng: 4
Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: Charge by staff
Feeding eng: Free by staff
Monthly eng: 15000 RUB
Photos: 2Puntos de vista: 12958      Ver »  
Modify eng: 05.08.2013
Status eng: For rent
Title eng: konyushnya
Area (sq.m) eng: 0
Width (cm) eng: 3
Length (cm) eng: 3
Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
Feeding eng: Free by staff
Monthly eng: 13000 USD
Puntos de vista: 8350      Ver »  
Modify eng: 05.08.2014
Status eng: For rent
Title eng: denniki
Area (sq.m) eng: 0
Width (cm) eng: 4
Length (cm) eng: 4
Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: Free by staff
Feeding eng: Free by staff
Monthly eng: 19000 RUB
Puntos de vista: 7871      Ver »  
Modify eng: 30.09.2016
Status eng: Not for rent
Title eng: Kappadokiya
Area (sq.m) eng: 0
Width (cm) eng: 3
Length (cm) eng: 4
Feeder eng: Not specified
Dr.bowl eng: Not specified eng: Not specified
Feeding eng: Not specified
Monthly eng: -
Puntos de vista: 8833      Ver »  
