stall information Meh For Meh horse 0
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stall information
Modify eng26.06.2012
Status engNot for rent
Title engMeh For Meh horse
Payment engAny
Prepayment engNo prepayment
Cntr engNão especificado
 engAngel Honey
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  Meh For Meh horse 

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1. Geral
Modify date eng26.06.2012 06:01
Status engNot for rent
*Title engMeh For Meh horse
Stable eng
Area (sq.m) eng2
Area eng166x145
*Amount eng100
Free amount eng10000

2. Measurement information
*Width (cm) eng166
*Length (cm) eng145
Height (cm) eng170

3. Stall equipment
Wall material engMetal
Wall top engSolid
Door opens engSliding
Door model engSolid door
Feeder engFixed feeder inside
Drinking bowl engDrinking bowl
Conditioner engLocal zones climate control
Stalls video options engVideo observation and recording
Stalls light options engSeparated lights
Stalls windows engHorse can look
Supply cover engFree by staff
Floor cover engFree by staff
Covering period engFor request
Flooring material engStraw
Cleaning horse engFree by staff
Keeding additional info engHorse needs to stay clean

4. Feeding information
Feeding engBy horse owner
Base food eng
  • Aveia
  • Cenoura
  • Farelo
  • Feno
  • Milho
  • Muesli
  • Palha
  • Trigo
  • Feeding additional info eng

    5. Price and payment information
    Hourly price eng5 USD
    Daily price eng20 USD
    Monthly price eng80 USD
    Payment method engAny
    Prepayment engNo prepayment
    Payment additional info eng

    6. Contact information
    *Country engNão especificado
    *Nearest City engNão especificado
    Location eng
    Location map eng
    E'mail eng
    Contact phone eng
    Contact person eng
    Web-site eng

    7. Aditional information
    Additional information eng

    8. Access to card
    Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
    Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments


    Width (cm) eng (116 - 266)
    Length (cm) eng (95 - 245)
    Feeder eng (Fixed feeder inside)
    Dr.bowl eng (Drinking bowl)
