stall information КСК "Орловское" 166
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stall information
Modify eng28.03.2012
Status engFor rent
Title engKSK "Orlovskoe"
Payment engCash
Prepayment engFull prepayment
Cntr eng Rusko RUS
Zanechte vzkaz pro držitele karty
  KSK "Orlovskoe" 

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Zobrazení: 9249

Foto: 0
Video: 0
Poznámky: 0
Komentáře: 0
1. Hlavní
Modify date eng28.03.2012 12:07
Status engFor rent
*Title engKSK "Orlovskoe"
Stable engКСК "Орловское"
Area (sq.m) eng11
Area eng300x350
*Amount eng40
Free amount eng2

2. Measurement information
*Width (cm) eng300
*Length (cm) eng350
Height (cm) eng350

3. Stall equipment
Wall material engWood
Wall top engSolid
Door opens engTurning
Door model engSolid door
Feeder engMobile feeder
Drinking bowl engNo drinking bowl
Conditioner engNo conditioner
Stalls video options engNo camera
Stalls light options engTotal light
Stalls windows engHorse can look
Supply cover engFree by staff
Floor cover engFree by staff
Covering period engDaily
Flooring material engSawdust
Cleaning horse engCharge by staff
Keeding additional info eng

4. Feeding information
Feeding engFree by staff
Base food eng
  • Otruby
  • Oves
  • Seno
  • Feeding additional info eng

    5. Price and payment information
    Hourly price eng
    Daily price eng
    Monthly price eng12 RUB
    Payment method engCash
    Prepayment engFull prepayment
    Payment additional info eng

    6. Contact information
    *Country eng Rusko Rusko
    *Nearest City engМосква
    Location eng41km SHHyolkovskogo shosse. d.Karmolino
    Location map eng
    Contact phone eng8-916-653-49-89
    Contact person engKirill
    Web-site eng

    7. Aditional information
    Additional information eng

    8. Access to card
    Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
    Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments

    Další příspěvky tohoto uživatele

      KSK Orlovskoe 
    Modify eng: 23.05.2014
    Status eng: Not specified
    Title eng: KSK Orlovskoe
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 3
    Feeder eng: Not specified
    Dr.bowl eng: Not specified eng: Not specified
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 12 RUB
    Zobrazení: 7646      Zobrazit »  


    Width (cm) eng (250 - 400)
    Length (cm) eng (300 - 450)
    Feeder eng (Mobile feeder)
    Dr.bowl eng (No drinking bowl)
    Modify eng: 21.08.2011
    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: denniki
    Area (sq.m) eng: 11
    Width (cm) eng: 350
    Length (cm) eng: 300
    Feeder eng: Mobile feeder
    Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: Free by staff
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 18000 RUB
    Photos: 1Zobrazení: 12965      Zobrazit »  
      Letniki (uteplennye) 
    Modify eng: 22.08.2011
    Status eng: Not specified
    Title eng: Letniki (uteplennye)
    Area (sq.m) eng: 12
    Width (cm) eng: 400
    Length (cm) eng: 300
    Feeder eng: Mobile feeder
    Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
    Feeding eng: Not specified
    Monthly eng: 12000 RUB
    Zobrazení: 9565      Zobrazit »  
      кск орион 
    Modify eng: 12.02.2012
    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: кск орион
    Area (sq.m) eng: 9
    Width (cm) eng: 300
    Length (cm) eng: 300
    Feeder eng: Mobile feeder
    Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
    Feeding eng: Not specified
    Monthly eng: 16000 RUB
    Zobrazení: 9088      Zobrazit »  
      кск орион 
    Modify eng: 29.12.2012
    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: кск орион
    Area (sq.m) eng: 9
    Width (cm) eng: 300
    Length (cm) eng: 300
    Feeder eng: Mobile feeder
    Dr.bowl eng: No drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 16000 RUB
    Zobrazení: 8589      Zobrazit »  
