Caballos venta - Caballo #5036, Nombre del caballo: Tarbet, Mayor especialización: Salto, País: Rep?blica Checa, Ciudad grande más cercana: No especificado, Raza: No especificado, Año de nacimiento: 2007, Sexo: Yegua, Altura (cm): 0, Color: Gris
CZ: Klisna je vhodn? jak na drez?ru. tak i parkur. Je velmi p??jemn? na je?d?n? a nekomplikovan?. Ve skoc?ch se sna?? ned?lat chyby. Bez zdravotn?ch a charakterov?ch vad.
Eng: Very good jumper now and to the future. does not want to make mistakes. attentive. Very good horse for to ride. uncomplicated. Without health and character defects. In training came later. now in basic training and preparing for the first race season.