Cavalos venda - Cavalo #5025, Nome do cavalo: Easton Briljant, Especialização principal: Adestramento, País: Holanda, Cidade a mais próxima: amsterdam, Raça: Não especificado, Ano de nascimento: 2009, Sexo: Cavalo, Altura (cm): 164, Cor: Foxy
Trained and ready for dressage.
This stallion is only 4 years old and an absolute promise for the future. He can also jump.
He have already won many competitions with high points.
This stallion is easy going. studious and hardworking. Other horses do him little contest.
Runs easily on the trailer. he will not bite or kick.
For ambiteuse rider a very nice horse to get very far in the sport to come. Absolute eyecatcher.
Please note. It is a stallion and he shows himself to be there. As is expected of him.
We speak the languages ??Dutch. English and German