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Manege information
Modify eng17.07.2012
Status engFree
Type engRiding hall
Title engManezh dlya raboty.
Payment engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Cntr eng Rusia RUS
Card stocker engмарина ивановна
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  Manezh dlya raboty. 

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El principal
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1. El principal
Modify date eng17.07.2012 19:01
Status engFree
*Type of manege engRiding hall
*Title engManezh dlya raboty.
Stable engКСОК Баскюль
Area (sq.m) eng1440
Area eng24x60
*Amount eng1

2. Measurement information
*Width (m) eng24
*Height (m) eng60
Border engWood
Surface engEuro
Drainage engEuro
Watering engManually
Measurement additional info eng

3. Manage options
Referees booth engNot specified
Sits amount eng0
Lighting engTotal lighting
Audio broadcast engNot specidied
Video broadcast engNot specidied
Infrastructure additional info eng

4. Price and payment information
Hourly price eng
Daily price eng
Monthly price eng
Payment method engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Payment additional info eng

5. Contact information
*Country eng Rusia Federaci?n Rusa
*Nearest City engБронницы-Домодедово
Location eng22km ot Moskvy (yug).4km ot trassy na aer. Domodedovo.10km ot Bronnicy.
Location map eng
Contact phone eng89166065513 89162899390 89853199182
Contact person engMarina Ivanovna.
Web-site eng

6. Aditional information
Additional information eng

7. Access to card
Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments
