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TitleKL-71 dlya sportivnyx loshadej
Sale/BuyFor sale
Country Russia RUS
RegionNot specified
ProducerNot specified
PaymentNot Specified
PrepaymentNot specified
Published byФаина Лейзерович
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  KL-71 dlya sportivnyx loshadej 

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1. General
Modify date10.01.2013 21:50
*TitleKL-71 dlya sportivnyx loshadej
*Sale/BuyFor sale
*Country Russia Russian Federation
Nearest big cityNot specified
ProducerNot specified

2. Price and payment information
Retail price800 RUB
Wholesale price780 USD
Dealers price700 USD
Payment methodNot Specified
PrepaymentNot specified
Payment additional infoОплата по факту.

3. Delivery information
DeliveryNot Specified
Delivery time (days)0
Delivery price
Delivery additional infoПрямая поставка с Гатчинского ККХ в течение 4 дней после заказа. Возможна доставка до места.

4. Contact information
Contact personElena
Contact emaildeltastv@yandex.ry
Contact phone89150037189
Location map
Internet page

5. Additional information
Additional informationЕженедельные поставки с Гатчинского ККХ комбикормов. Документы. Сертификаты.

6. Access to card
Message modeAllow to post messages to this card
Security modeEveryone can read card and comments

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