Caballos venta - Caballo #14602, Nombre del caballo: Geisha SOLD, Mayor especialización: Salto, País: Letonia, Ciudad grande más cercana: No especificado, Raza: No especificado, Año de nacimiento: 2016, Sexo: Yegua, Altura (cm): 172, Color: Gris
Geisha - out of Gvidons ( one of best showjumpig stallions in Latvia ) and dam sire Russel II ( Capucino ) (was ridden by Nick Skelton ) . She is one lovely and friendly mare , but still need lot of work, safe and easy going. No problems with shoeing and clipping. When was 4 years old, took a part in young horses show , where got 3nd place of best 4 y.o mares in Latvia . Never had injury’s , healthy. No bad habits.