Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #14214, Nome del cavallo: Carson, Especialización principal: Dressage, Paese: Stati Uniti d'America, La città più vicina: washington, dc, Razza: Frisone, Anno di Nascita: 2012, Sesso: Castrone, Altezza al garrese (cm): 0, Suit il cavallo: Crow
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PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Stati Uniti d USA
Regionewashington, dc
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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione08.11.2019 19:31
*PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Stati Uniti d Stati Uniti d'America
*Stato di vendita
In vendita In vendita
*Nome del cavalloCarson
*Especialización principalDressage
*Prezzi dei biglietti3000E-10000E
Prezzo ($)3000 USD

2. Informazioni sulla razza
*Anno di Nascita2012
Altezza al garrese (cm)
Suit il cavalloCrow

3. Informazioni pedigree
Paese di nascitaCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Stati Uniti d Stati Uniti d'America
Nati nell'azienda

  • 4. Informazioni sulla posizione
    La città più vicinawashington, dc

    5. Informazioni su esperienza
    Hanno avuto concorsi
    Altre specializzazioni
  • Attacchi
  • Cavallo di battaglia
  • Completo
  • Dressage
  • Gare
  • Salto
  • Western

  • 6. Informazioni di contatto
    Il tuo indirizzo
    Numero di telefono(805) 335-1864
    Persona di contattoRodman
    Un indirizzo internet

    7. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioniThis is our Carson. He is an absolutely amazing boy that anyone is going to fall in love with!! He is as sweet as pie, and just loves attention from anyone. I am sure that no matter what your background is you will get along with this guy! He has an amazing ground covering walk with a huge overstep that would be awesome for low level dressage. He rides english or western and is very well trained off of your seat and legs. He turns on the forehand and haunches very well. He has an awesome natural collection and has a beautiful uphill canter to go with it. He is safe to ride out alone and does awesome in a group. He is also trained to drive just as well!! He is not spooky and is awesome in the traffic on the road. He has a lot of trail experience and will go through anything that you put in front of him and will go over any bridge or obstacle that you put in front of him. He is a horse that can sit for a couple days, weeks or months and is always the same when you get him out to ride him. We just love how friendly he is and he comes running to you out in the pasture and has zero bad habits. He can be in a stall as well and never offers a fuss. He is wearing shoes all around right now because of where we ride our horses in rocky areas. He will trailer anywhere and settle in with ease. He is one that you have to come see to fully enjoy him in person. If Carson is the horse that you have been looking for, Disciplines All Around, Athletic, Ranch Versatility, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Trail, Trail Riding , Contact us via emai also at .

    8. L'accesso alla carta
    Modalità di ricevere commentiPermettono di lasciare un messaggio per questa carta
    RiservatezzaDisponibile per leggere tutte le carte e commenti

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