Лошадь #13941, Кличка лошади: Lina, Основная специализация: Конкур, Страна: Болгария, Ближайший крупный город: Sofia, Bulgaria, Порода: East Bulgarian Horse, Год рождения: 2011, Пол: Кобыла, Рост в холке (см): 170, Масть: Гнедая
NIESA riding center is situated 35 kilometers east of Sofia on Trakia highway
(- 42.479378, 23.787782).
From Sofia on Trakia highway take the first exit to Ihtiman. On the T-shaped crossing turn left, we are 500 m along this road on the left. The travel time is approx. 20 min. From Plovdiv again take the Trakia highway and then take the second exit to Ihtiman – then as above.
Experienced showjumping 110-115 cm classes, competed at international competitions - Athens,Greece. Very brave, forward going horse. For more info, videos and photos pm or contact +359 884088100 (What's app and Viber).