Cavalos venda - Cavalo #1381, Nome do cavalo: Quoncert, Especialização principal: Salto, País: Alemanha, Cidade a mais próxima: posnan, Raça: Holsteiner, Ano de nascimento: 2003, Sexo: Castração, Altura (cm): 181, Cor: Bay
Large framed. with seemingly boundless capacity equipped gelding who always wants to the other side. From the 776th Toperfolgsstamm 6 year sold abroad. and successfully used by CSI ***. In April 2011 in Portugal still highly placed 1.35 cm jumping. Current radiographic T?v 2 / 3. Immediate use. no ifs and buts. Currently at 1:30 09:07:11 Jumping placed in Passau. Super suitable for amateurs. because he forgives mistakes and requires no special instructions.