Cavalos venda - Cavalo #13775, Nome do cavalo: Giete de Bloomerd, Especialização principal: Salto, País: Litu?nia, Cidade a mais próxima: klaipeda, Raça: Não especificado, Ano de nascimento: 2011, Sexo: Égua, Altura (cm): 167, Cor: Bay
Giete de Bloomerd is 8 years old mare, 167cm height. By: Tolan R X Kieur. Competition experience up to 135cm with junior rider.
Super easy to ride, can be easily ridden by child, junior, amateur. Super friendly with other horses, people.
No health problems.
CLEAR x-rays.
Do not have bad habits or health problems,NEW x-rays and vet-check available if buyer pays for it. No problem with shoeing, clipping or transporting.