Лошадь #13451, Кличка лошади: CATTINA, Основная специализация: Конкур, Страна: Литва, Ближайший крупный город: Не указано, Порода: Не указано, Год рождения: 2012, Пол: Кобыла, Рост в холке (см): 166, Масть: Гнедая
Competition experience up to 120-130cm.
At home up to 135cm.
She is super sweet and nice to ride. Easy, can be ridden by amateur, junior, kid or experienced rider. She have potential to jump, has big heart and will never stop or run away from obstacle, jumps courses very easily. Comfortable movements and jump, easy to handle. Loves to be with people and other horses.
Has dressage competition experience