Лошадь #13449, Кличка лошади: CHAREVEL, Основная специализация: Конкур, Страна: Литва, Ближайший крупный город: Не указано, Порода: Не указано, Год рождения: 2013, Пол: Мерин, Рост в холке (см): 174, Масть: Гнедая
Competition experience up to 120cm. Horse with big potential for jumping, jumps from his own instinct, has good movements and technical jump. Not hard to ride, but better for stronger rider, because horse is young and strong. He is super sweet and friendly. Lithuanian 5 y.o horses champion. No bad habits or health problems, with clear x rays. No problem with shoeing, clipping or transporting. Located in Lithuania, transportation possible worldwide.