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stall information
Modify eng06.06.2014
Status engFor rent
Title engSportivnaya konyushnya
Payment engClearing
Prepayment engNot specified
Cntr eng Russia RUS
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  Sportivnaya konyushnya 

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Viste: 11762

Foto: 2
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1. Generale
Modify date eng06.06.2014 12:30
Status engFor rent
*Title engSportivnaya konyushnya
Stable engКСК Добромысли
Area (sq.m) eng0
Area eng3x3.5
*Amount eng40
Free amount eng10

2. Measurement information
*Width (cm) eng3
*Length (cm) eng4
Height (cm) eng5

3. Stall equipment
Wall material engBricks
Wall top engNot specified
Door opens engSliding
Door model engTop railing
Feeder engFixed feeder inside
Drinking bowl engDrinking bowl
Conditioner engNot specified
Stalls video options engVideo observation and recording
Stalls light options engSeparated lights
Stalls windows engHorse can look
Supply cover engFree by staff
Floor cover engFree by staff
Covering period engNot specified
Flooring material engSawdust
Cleaning horse engCharge by staff
Keeding additional info eng

4. Feeding information
Feeding engFree by staff
Base food eng
  • Avena
  • Crusca
  • Fieno
  • Grano
  • Feeding additional info eng

    5. Price and payment information
    Hourly price eng
    Daily price eng1200 RUB
    Monthly price eng20000 RUB
    Payment method engClearing
    Prepayment engNot specified
    Payment additional info eng

    6. Contact information
    *Country eng Russia Russia
    *Nearest City engСолнечногорск
    Location engMoskovskaya oblast, Solnechnogorskij rajon, derevnya Tatishhevo
    Location map eng
    Contact phone eng89269820500
    Contact person engYAna
    Web-site engКСК Добромысли

    7. Aditional information
    Additional information engКонюшня европейского типа была построена в 2009 году. В ней высокие потолки с дополнительной вентиляцией, денники 3х3,5 м, отапливаемая мойка для лошадей, стиральная машина, шкафчики для хранения амуниции. В каждом деннике пластиковые окна, которые открываются и закрываются в зависимости от погодных условий, уровневые автопоилки.

    8. Access to card
    Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
    Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments

    Altri messaggi di questo utente

    In totale: 2   Mostra tutti i record
      Letnyaya konyushnya 
    Modify eng: 06.06.2014
    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: Letnyaya konyushnya
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 4
    Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
    Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: Charge by staff
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 17000 RUB
    Photos: 3Viste: 14474      Vedere »  

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    Length (cm) eng (-46 - 104)
    Feeder eng (Fixed feeder inside)
    Dr.bowl eng (Drinking bowl)
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    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: CHastnaya konyushnya
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 4
    Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
    Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: Not specified
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: -
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    Status eng: Not specified
    Title eng: KSK "Voronino"
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 3
    Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
    Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: Charge by staff
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 16000 RUB
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    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: dennik v osnovnoj konyushne
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 4
    Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
    Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
    Feeding eng: Free by staff
    Monthly eng: 25000 RUB
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    Status eng: For rent
    Title eng: КСК Аврора предлагает постой! 89265319390 Инесса
    Area (sq.m) eng: 0
    Width (cm) eng: 3
    Length (cm) eng: 4
    Feeder eng: Fixed feeder inside
    Dr.bowl eng: Drinking bowl eng: By horse owner
    Feeding eng: Not specified
    Monthly eng: 14000 RUB
    Photos: 4Notes: 1Viste: 12959      Vedere »  
