Cavalos venda - Cavalo #13154, Nome do cavalo: Zondeira, Especialização principal: Salto, País: Let?nia, Cidade a mais próxima: RIGA, Raça: Não especificado, Ano de nascimento: 2013, Sexo: Égua, Altura (cm): 167, Cor: Foxy
Very technical, light but powerfull and carefull jumper! Has a great potential for high classes. She's very easy to ride and work with! Could be a great childrens, juniors or young riders horse in the future, as well as future star for a proffessional. Not only she has a unique look, but also the nicest character ever - always tries her best to please the rider! Has a competition experience up to 100cm.
Clean xrays, available to see.