Manege information 2 платца и 2 манежа(манеж и предманежник)
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Manege information
Modify eng09.10.2011
Status engFree
Type engHeated riding hall
Title eng2 platca i 2 manezha(manezh i predmanezhnik)
Payment engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Cntr eng Russia RUS
Card stocker engЕлена Жаркова
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  2 platca i 2 manezha(manezh i predmanezhnik) 

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1. Generale
Modify date eng09.10.2011 20:54
Status engFree
*Type of manege engHeated riding hall
*Title eng2 platca i 2 manezha(manezh i predmanezhnik)
Stable engКСК Темп
Area (sq.m) eng2835
Area eng63x45
*Amount eng4

2. Measurement information
*Width (m) eng63
*Height (m) eng45
Border engWood
Surface engSand
Drainage engTotal
Watering engManually
Measurement additional info eng

3. Manage options
Referees booth engReferees booth is present
Sits amount eng0
Lighting engPartial lighting
Audio broadcast engNot specidied
Video broadcast engNot specidied
Infrastructure additional info eng

4. Price and payment information
Hourly price eng
Daily price eng
Monthly price eng
Payment method engNot specified
Prepayment engNot specified
Payment additional info eng

5. Contact information
*Country eng Russia Russia
*Nearest City engPodolsk
Location eng53 km Kaluzhskogo shosse ili 33 km ot MKAD (v storonu oblasti)
Location map eng
Contact phone eng8-926-894-57-57
Contact person engNachkon Elena
Web-site eng

6. Aditional information
Additional information engОтапливаемый манеж 18х54 м с трибунами
Предманежник 18х18 м
Плац большой 63х45 м с трибунами
Плац выездковый 20х60 м
2 плаца для работы на корде

Грунт везде - дренаж + белый песок. Вода на плацу после обильных дождей не стоит!

7. Access to card
Message mode engAllow to post messages to this card
Security mode engEveryone can read card and comments
