Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #12441, Nome del cavallo: khal, Especialización principal: Dressage, Paese: Gran Bretagna, La città più vicina: Frankfurt, Razza: Non specificato, Anno di Nascita: 2007, Sesso: Castrone, Altezza al garrese (cm): 170, Suit il cavallo: Brown
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PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Gran Bretagna GBR
RazzaNon specificato
Pubblicato dadavid couper
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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione18.07.2017 14:43
*PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Gran Bretagna Gran Bretagna
*Stato di vendita
In vendita In vendita
*Nome del cavallokhal
*Especialización principalDressage
*Prezzi dei biglietti3000E-10000E
Prezzo ($)9000 EUR

2. Informazioni sulla razza
*Anno di Nascita2007
Altezza al garrese (cm)170
Suit il cavalloBrown
RazzaNon specificato

3. Informazioni pedigree
Paese di nascitaCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Gran Bretagna Gran Bretagna
Nati nell'azienda
khalSer Anthony   

4. Informazioni sulla posizione
La città più vicinaFrankfurt

5. Informazioni su esperienza
TemperamentoNon specificato
Hanno avuto concorsi
Altre specializzazioni
  • Completo
  • Dressage
  • Endurance
  • Salto

  • 6. Informazioni di contatto
    Il tuo indirizzo
    Numero di telefono5014851603
    Persona di contattodavid couper
    Un indirizzo internet

    7. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioniKhal was born in 2007 and is a beautiful 17hh Gelding with an athletic body, very well applied hindquarters and a super character. He stands out the many with his silver-shiny dark coat. In 2011, Khal was named a PREMIUM Gelding at the new standford arena. He recently finished his 70 day test.
    He had a very good test finishing 3rd overall with amazing scores as below:
    -Jummping; 122.28
    -Dressage; 104.16 and made out (7th)

    Khal finished 7th overall with a 113.36.

    He is also outstanding with his extra points as mentioned in the next few lines:
    -Character 8.90
    -Temperament 9.0
    -Willingness to work 9.2,
    -Gallop/Canter 8.25,
    -Walk 8,
    -Trot 8.5
    -Free Jumping 9,
    -Stadium Jumping 8.5,
    -Cross Country Jump 8.5,
    -Cross Country Gallop 8.3,
    -Rideability 8.0

    Khal is a descendant of the famous Ser Anthony, who was champion of the Saltriver approvals in 1998, and in 1989 he was champion of his performance testing. Ser Anthony has produced famous stallions as Fanion, jasper, Darky and geldings as Khal, Teq, Vann. Ser Anthony has taken the top position in the FN breeding values several times i a row. Ser Anthony is famous for producing performance horses with very high rideability. In 2006 two Ser Anthony's sons won both the 5 and 6-year-old World Young Horse Dressage Championships in Rhineland.

    Khal himself is out of the famous mare line through Florentin. She has produced two approved stallions Darky and Fanion, full brothers, and she received an 8.1 for her mare-test. Her sister Rubi was in 1997 the best mare of verden. The second full-sister Lizette was a best 3-year-old in 1999 and also received a score of 8,50 for her mare-test. Grandmother, Keisha, is a full sister of the dam of the world's famous stallion Anabis ll. The dam-line of Khal shows four State Premium mares on a row, Florentin, Rubi, Lizette and Keish.

    8. L'accesso alla carta
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    RiservatezzaDisponibile per leggere tutte le carte e commenti

    Altri messaggi di questo utente

    In totale: 2   Mostra tutti i record
    $E: 3000E-10000E
    Paese: Cavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Gran Bretagna Gran Bretagna
    Nome: khal
    Sp: Dressage
    Anno: 2007
    Sesso: Castrone
    Crescita: 170
    Foto: 4Viste: 13763      Vedere »  

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