Pferde kaufen - Pferd #12302, Name des Pferdes: Kleine Mann SOLD, Haupt Spezialisierung: Springren, Land: Lettland, Näheste Stadt: Jelgava, Rasse: Lettisches Warmblut / Holsteiner, Geburtsjahr: 2011, Geschlecht: Wallach, Grösse (cm): 168, Farbe: Rappe
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Horse Game
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LandPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Lettland LVA
NameKleine Mann SOLD
RasseLettis / Holste
KarteninhaberNora Nuksa
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1. Haupt
Veröffentlichungsdatum29.01.2019 16:38
*LandPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Lettland Lettland
verkauft verkauft
*Name des PferdesKleine Mann SOLD
*Haupt SpezialisierungSpringren
Preis5500 EUR

2. Informationen über die Rasse
Grösse (cm)168
RasseLettisches Warmblut / Holsteiner

3. Stammbauminformation
Land der GeburtPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Lettland Lettland
Gestüt von Geburt
Kleine Mann SOLDKalndans (LS) Calliano (HL) Calido I (HL) 
 S - Ramina (HL) 
 Lavila (LS) Lords (LS) 
 V?tra (LS) 
 Corvina 10 (HL) Contender (HL) Calypso II (HL) 
 Gofine (HL) 
 Ronija XX (HL) Narew (XX) 
 Kaletta (HL) 

  • 4. Informationen über den Standort
    Näheste StadtJelgava

    5. Information über die Erfahrung
    Haben Wettbewerbe
  • Springpr?fung 110 cm
  • Weitere Spezialisierung

    6. Impressum

    7. Zusätzliche Informationen
    Zusätzliche infomationHistory: The horse is bred and owned by the same person, so his history is known since he was a foal.
    Character: He has an absolutely top character. The horse is very sweet while grooming, shoeing, transporting, taking care.He is safe to go to the fields and forests, does not have any bad habit.
    *This sports horse has been allocated to the Confidence Giver category, it is a particularly well behaved and calm horse even in difficult situations. However, please note that all horses may revert to their instinctive behavior as flight animals in certain circumstances.
    Training: The horse has basic backgrounds for dressage and moves very well. He is ready to jump courses up to 110 cm in competitions and is being trained at home up to 120 cm. He shows a lot of talent for higher obstacles.
    The horse could also be a good hunter. He has started to do the flying changes both ways.
    Competitions: He has been competing for 110 cm with junior rider (15-year-old girl) in the season of 2016.
    What sort of rider does the horse need? : The horse is being trained and competed by a 15-year-old girl and shows great results in the competitions. It shows that despite his young age the horse is suitable for junior/amateur rider who wants a reliable, safe and confidence giver horse over the obstacles to learn and compete. The horse never stops and shows a lot of willingness to jump.

    P.S. Transportation can be organized as we have a reliable person who travels around the world with horses, taking the to their new home.

    If you are interested in this horse or you haven't found the horse you like, please contact me on e-mail, we will help you to find the best horse for you

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