Cavalos venda - Cavalo #12120, Nome do cavalo: Luksora SOLD, Especialização principal: Salto, País: Let?nia, Cidade a mais próxima: Riga, Raça: Let?nia, Ano de nascimento: 2009, Sexo: Égua, Altura (cm): 171, Cor: Bay
History: Owned by two owners, from age of 4 prepared for showjumping competitions.
Character: Forgives riders mistakes, isn’t hot and is a willingness to work, problem free horse.
Training: Prepared for showjumping up to 140cm courses and has got competition experience in international competitions.
Rider: Is suitable for amateurs, juniors riders as well, for children with jumping experience as a schoolmaster would be perfect horse.
Examination: X – rays and vet check is done, x- rays are clear.