Cavalos venda - Cavalo #11840, Nome do cavalo: AZABACHE, Especialização principal: Adestramento, País: Espanha, Cidade a mais próxima: SEVILLA, Raça: Andaluz, Ano de nascimento: 2009, Sexo: Cavalo, Altura (cm): 160, Cor: Preto
AZABACHE is a 8 year old black stallion who wins the hearts of breeders and riders. He has an ideal long neck for dressage, which is also accompanied by a beautiful black mane. His croup and hocks have a very good angulation for work. His black fur breaks on three of his legs, making him a special horse. His cheerful and sweet character make him an easy horse to handle. He proves to be brave to new situations. He has strength in his back, but is soft in the seat and doesn't need to be ridden by a strong rider. His movements are long and extensive. He is easy on the leg and light on the hand. All these details and much more make him a TOP PRE horse difficult to find. He is vaccinated and dewormed regularly. More info by request Whatsapp: 0034636979738