Cavalos venda - Cavalo #11575, Nome do cavalo: Olivia S, Especialização principal: Salto, País: Est?nia, Cidade a mais próxima: Tartu, Raça: Não especificado, Ano de nascimento: 2006, Sexo: Égua, Altura (cm): 160, Cor: Preto
Winning machine for sale! Perfect horse for children, beginners, juniors or amateurs! Straight from the breeder, has been ridden by now a 14-year old girl and competed in eventing, dressage and show jumping - mostly comes home with a prize. Absolutely bulletproof jumper, never spooky, with her "own engine", always wants to be clean on jumps. Easy to ride, can do basics - transitions, flying changes etc. No bad habits, no problems with vets, farrier, stays in paddock, also 100% healthy (hasn't had any traumas, sickness, never has limped). Competed up to 115cm (jumping 120cm at home).
Video with 11-year old:
Competition video: