Лошадь #11017, Кличка лошади: FIESTA, Основная специализация: Конкур, Страна: Литва, Ближайший крупный город: Не указано, Порода: Буденовская, Год рождения: 2000, Пол: Кобыла, Рост в холке (см): 155, Масть: Гнедая
Super calm, super safe to ride to the fields, forest and etc. Very light to ride, sees distance, showjumping competitions up to 140cm., up to 120cm is super fast and 100% champion. At home jumps up to 150cm. Needs regular work, only for loving owners who can promise good senility. No problems with transporting, bathing, shoeing. Has some
problems with esophagus, but vet confirmed that does not cause
any problems.