Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #10985, Nome del cavallo: dunny, Especialización principal: Estetica, Paese: Belgio, La città più vicina: Non specificato, Razza: Non specificato, Anno di Nascita: 2006, Sesso: Femmina, Altezza al garrese (cm): 0, Suit il cavallo: Non specificato
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PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Belgio BEL
$EPiu economico 1000E
RazzaNon specificato
RegioneNon specificato
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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione05.07.2016 17:04
*PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Belgio Belgio
*Stato di vendita
In vendita In vendita
*Nome del cavallodunny
*Especialización principalEstetica
*Prezzi dei bigliettiPiu economico 1000E
Prezzo ($)670 USD

2. Informazioni sulla razza
*Anno di Nascita2006
Altezza al garrese (cm)
Suit il cavalloNon specificato
RazzaNon specificato

3. Informazioni pedigree
Paese di nascitaCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Belgio Belgio
Nati nell'azienda

4. Informazioni sulla posizione
La città più vicinaNon specificato

5. Informazioni su esperienza
TemperamentoNon specificato
Hanno avuto concorsi
Altre specializzazioni
  • Attacchi
  • Cavallo di battaglia
  • Completo
  • Estetica
  • Gare
  • Proprio cavallo

  • 6. Informazioni di contatto
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    7. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioniDunny is a beautiful Dun Quarter horse mare. She can Walk, Trot and Canter in both directions and moves off of leg pressure. Neck reins very well and has been trained in a Bosal. She takes a bit easily but I usually do not ride in one as I prefer the Bosal. Has been on cows a few times and loves it. She has also been backed into the box and is learning to stand quietly. Dunny has been around a barrel and would do well in that regard. I used to run barrels before I got her so we did a lot of exercises using them and if you put a barrel in the middle of the arena and drop the reins she will walk around it. She has mainly been ridden on trails and in the arena but needs a better job. She has no buck, bite or rear and has yet to meet a horse she doesn't like. Does not act badly when in season. Easy keeper on straight grass and has never been shod due to her amazing hooves. Never coliced or had any major medical issues. Only selling because my beautiful girl needs a better job and more time than I can provide currently due to work and school. This is one of the most difficult decisions of my life but I feel it isn't fair for her to be standing around. I would love her to go to a ranch or someone who will work her on cattle. She stands for the farrier and you can easily clean all feet. She Should be ridden regularly as she does have some get up and go but nothing crazy. I am only an intermediate rider and have not had any problems with her. The areas she needs work in are: - standing quietly in the trailer (she loads well but wants to get moving) - smooth out trot and canter I am very honest and want you to know her flaws and not have any surprises. Up to date on shots and Coggins. Just had her feet trimmed. Feel free to contact me with questions. May consider a lower price to the perfect home. Really love this mare!

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    Altri messaggi di questo utente

    In totale: 2   Mostra tutti i record
    $E: 1000E-3000E
    Paese: Cavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Russia Russia
    Nome: dunny
    Sp: Completo
    Anno: 2006
    Sesso: Femmina
    Crescita: -
    Foto: 1Viste: 9489      Vedere »  

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