Horses for sale - Horse #10680, Horse name: Number 8, Main specialization: Dressage, Country: Germany, Nearest big city: Not specified, Breed: KWPN. Dutch Warmblood, Birth year: 2008, Sex: Gelding, Growth (cm): 172, Colour: Bay
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CountryHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Germany DEU
NameNumber 8
$EMore than 150000E
BreedKWPN. Dutch Warmblood
RegionNot specified
Published byBluehorse equestrian
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  Number 8 

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1. General
Modify date21.03.2016 13:05
*CountryHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Germany Germany
*Sale status
For sale For sale
*Horse nameNumber 8
*Main specializationDressage
*Price classMore than 150000E
Price180000 EUR

2. Breed information
*Birth year2008
Growth (cm)172
BreedKWPN. Dutch Warmblood

3. Pedigree information
Country of BirthHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Germany Germany
Stable of Birth
Number 8Lauries Crusador   

4. Location information
Nearest big cityNot specified
Location map

5. Information about experience
Have got competitions
Optional specializations
  • Dressage

  • 6. Contact information
    Contact phone004915733749787
    Contact personChristian
    Internet page

    7. Additional information
    Additional informationNumber 8 is one of the best Dressage horse you can find at this moment, good to ride and not old only 8 years and doing S* an this time.

    Look at the video and for any more questions give me a call.

    More Horses for sale:

    Number 1 Jumper: 12J, Hengst, Brauner, 1.68; International Grandprix, Gek?rter hengst beim KWPN, HANN, Unire :500.000

    Number 2 Dressage: 12J, Wallach, Brauner, 1.70; S Sieger, Inter A, 140.000

    Number 3 Dressage: 10J, Wallach, Brauner, 1.68; S 140.000

    Number 4 Jumper: 9J, Stute, Brauner, 1.68; S**, 100.000

    Number 5 Jumper; 8J, Wallach, Brauner, 1.69, S**150.000

    Number 6 Jumper; 10J, Stute, Schimmel, 1.67, S**, 130.000

    Number 7 Dressage: 8J, Wallach, Rappe, 1.70; S* 200.000

    Number 8 Dressage: 8J. Wallach, Brauner, 1.72 S* 180.000

    Number 9 Jumper; 7J, Stute, Fuchs, 1.66, M** - S*, 100.000

    Number 10 Dressage: 12J, Wallach, Rappe. 168 ; M** - S* Frertig. 50.000

    Number 11 Dressage: 11J. Wallach, Fuchs, 1.74; M** - S* Fertig. 55.000

    Number 12 Dressage: 15J. Wallach, Brauner, 1.69; Seriensieger in Prix St. Georges und Intermediaire I, 35.000

    Number 13 Dressage; 9J. Stute, Zw-Braun, 1.72; M** Gewonnen, S* Platziert, 75.000

    Number 14 Dressage: 7J, Wallach Dunkle Fuchs M** Gewonnen S fertig 120.000

    Lookat our website Bluehorse Equestrian and our youtubesite

    Christian 0049-15733749787

    8. Access to card
    Message modeAllow to post messages to this card
    Security modeEveryone can read card and comments

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