Cavalos venda - Cavalo #10370, Nome do cavalo: SALIX, Especialização principal: Reprodu??o, País: Pol?nia, Cidade a mais próxima: Krakow, Raça: Purebred arabian horses, Ano de nascimento: 2002, Sexo: Cavalo, Altura (cm): 156, Cor: Preto
Salix is 13 yesr old black stallion from very good polish pedigree.his mother Sawina is one of last dauther in Poland stallion Wagram which was giving a lot of amazing horses in Endurance his father Oset was very beautyfull stallion and also gave a good horses .Salix was also competed in enduran?e in national level but becouse of the shoulder injury while covering the mare he can't continue his career Salix has already 3 babes in endurance with a very good future!