Horses for sale - Horse #10272, Horse name: Tango R, Main specialization: Showjumping, Country: Poland, Nearest big city: Not specified, Breed: Not specified, Birth year: 2007, Sex: Gelding, Growth (cm): 172, Colour: Black
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CountryHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Poland POL
NameTango R
BreedNot specified
RegionNot specified
Published byArpav Sp zoo Pawlowski Artur
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  Tango R 

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1. General
Modify date06.12.2015 19:16
*CountryHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Poland Poland
*Sale status
For sale For sale
*Horse nameTango R
*Main specializationShowjumping
*Price class10000E-20000E
Price17000 EUR

2. Breed information
*Birth year2007
Growth (cm)172
BreedNot specified

3. Pedigree information
Country of BirthHorses for sale, ponies for sale, stables, trucks, trailers, job, feed for horses Poland Poland
Stable of Birth
Tango RKarbon Lando S  
 Tiramisu Fundy du Mont  
  • FEI Passport

  • 4. Location information
    Nearest big cityNot specified
    LocationKJ Arpav Mirowo Duze 23
    Poland , Mirowo Du?e 82-230
    Location map

    5. Information about experience
    TemperamentNot specified
    Have got competitions
  • CSI*
  • CSI**
  • CSI***
  • Class
    Optional specializations
  • Showjumping

  • 6. Contact information
    Contact phone
    Contact person
    Internet pagehttp://www/

    7. Additional information
    Additional informationTalented Jumping horse
    Talented , well-schooled jumping horse. Sensitive , reacting on light aids.
    2015 - compiting : up to 135 cm. Easy to ride. Very nice and save.
    Proper horse for young rider , ambitious amateur. Still in sport trening.

    8. Access to card
    Message modeAllow to post messages to this card
    Security modeEveryone can read card and comments

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